Survey pegs Apple gear in half of U.S. homes

Survey pegs Apple gear in half of U.S. homes
A new survey put out by CNBC says that half of homes in the U.S. own at least one Apple product, and that number is expected to grow through next year.The outlet's "All-America Economic Survey" polled 836 Americans by phone from March 19 to 22 about their spending habits, political leanings, and investment practices. From those surveyed, CNBC estimates the average U.S. household to have 1.6 devices made by Apple. One in 10 of those that don't have any Apple gear plan to get one inside the next 12 months, CNBC said. As far as demographics go, the survey found that those who have a higher annual income tended to own more Apple devices. That breaks down to 28 percent of those making under $30,000 a year owning "at least one" Apple device, as opposed to 77 percent of those in the $75,000 income bracket listing themselves as owners. Geographically, the survey found more owners on the West Coast versus other parts of the country. It also found that 61 percent of surveyed households with children have Apple devices, versus 48 percent of households without children. Related storiesStudy: Siri is just all right with most iPhone usersSurvey: Apple phone support still on top, but slippingSurvey finds half of line-waiting iPad buyers are first-time ownersNot included in the survey is a breakdown of which products were the most common among owners, though it's likely to be an iOS device such as the iPhone, iPad, or iPod. While Apple recently broke the 5 million barrier on Macs sold in a single quarter, it sold 13 times the number of portable devices during the same period, and has sold more than 315 million iOS devices to date.The survey's margin of error is plus or minus 3.4 percent.